Cotton Electric Cooperative provides free energy efficiency home evaluation for members to help them decide the most economical ways to improve their home's energy efficiency.
An energy efficiency home evaluation, which is performed by the cooperative's energy efficiency coordinator, consists of a thorough inspection of your home's foundation, floors, walls, doors, windows and attic.
During an evaluation, careful measurements are taken of your home's insulating factor and heat loss areas such as doors and windows and others.
Or, if you are planning on adding on to your home, building a new one, or adding new air conditioning or heating equipment, your cooperative's energy efficiency coordinator can visit with you one-on-one to discuss the energy saving improvements best suited for your home.
After conducting an on-site energy efficiency evaluation, Cotton Electric Cooperative's energy efficiency coordinator uses a specially-designed computer program to calculate how energy improvements, such as adding insulation, storm doors and windows, and a more efficient heating and cooling system can help reduce kilowatt hour waste. Basically, an evaluation will show you problems that may, when corrected, save you significant amounts of money over time as it helps to pinpoint where your home is losing energy.
A thorough explanation of the results is then returned to the member. It will discuss the energy-saving improvements that are best suited for your home.
The next time you have a problem or question concerning utility costs, whether you're building a new home or improving the one you're still in, call Cotton Electric Cooperative at 580-875-3351 and ask our energy efficiency coordinator for expert advice.